Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013 Revisi
Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa Kelas 1 SD Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016 File PDF ini bisa anda download secara gratis.
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- [Unduh] Buku Guru Kelas 1 Tema 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
Revisi Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Guru Kelas 1 Tema 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Guru Kelas 1 Tema 3 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Siswa Kelas 1 Tema 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Siswa Kelas 1 Tema 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Siswa Kelas 1 Tema 3 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
- [Unduh] Buku Siswa Kelas 1 Tema 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Tahun 2016
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Semoga bermanfaat, Buku Siswa Kurikulum 2013 Kelas 7 SMP. Source nya http://dadangjsn.blogspot.com/2014/08/download-buku-kurikulum-2013-smp-kelas.html c:
- 1. Hak Cipta 2014 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanDilindungi Undang-UndangMILIK NEGARATIDAK DIPERDAGANGKANDisklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku siswa yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasiKurikulum 2013. Buku siswa ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi KementerianPendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Bukuini merupakan dokumen hidup yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuaidengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapatmeningkatkan kualitas buku ini.Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT)Indonesia. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings a Bell / Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.-- EdisiRevisi. Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014.vi, 210 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm.Untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIIISBN 978-602-282-377-3 (jilid lengkap)ISBN 978-602-282-378-0 (jilid 1)1. Bahasa Inggris Studi dan Pengajaran I. JudulII. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaanii Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi420Kontributor Naskah : Yuli Rulani Khatimah, Asep Gunawan, dan Siti Wachidah.Penelaah : Emi Emilia, Didi Suherdi, dan R. Safrina.Penyelia Penerbitan : Pusat Kurukulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud.Cetakan Ke-1, 2013Cetakan Ke-2, 2014 (Edisi Revisi)Disusun dengan huruf Helvetica, 11 pt
2. Kata PengantarBahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipungkiri adalah bahasa utama komunikasiantarbangsa dan sangat diperlukan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pergaulan dunia.Makin datarnya dunia dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasimenyebabkan pergaulan tidak dapat lagi dibatasi oleh batas-batas negara. Kurikulum2013 menyadari peran penting bahasa Inggris tersebut dalam menyampaikan gagasanmelebihi batas negara Indonesia serta untuk menyerap gagasan dari luar yang dapatdipergunakan untuk kemaslahatan bangsa dan negara sebagai akibat datarnya dunia.Kurikulum 2013 dirancang untuk menyongsong model pembelajaran abad21. Di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran pembelajaran dari peserta didik diberi tahumenjadi peserta didik mencari tahu dari berbagai sumber belajar melampaui batasguru dan satuan pendidikan. Peran bahasa Inggris dalam model pembelajaran sepertiitu menjadi sangat sentral mengingat lebih banyak sumber belajar dalam bahasaInggris dibanding semua sumber belajar dalam semua bahasa lainnya digabungkan.Sejalan dengan peran di atas, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTsKelas VII yang disajikan dalam buku ini disusun untuk meningkatkan kemampuanberbahasa. Penyajiannya adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaranberbasis teks, baik lisan maupun tulis, dengan menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagaisarana berkomunikasi. Pemahaman terhadap jenis, kaidah dan konteks suatu teksditekankan sehingga memudahkan peserta didik menangkap makna yang terkandungdalam suatu teks maupun menyajikan gagasan dalam bentuk teks yang sesuai sehinggamudah dipahami orang lain. Mengingat bahasa Inggris baru secara resmi diajarkanmulai Kelas VII SMP/MTs, komunikasi yang disampaikan di sini adalah komunikasisehari-hari. Bagi beberapa daerah yang telah mengajarkan bahasa Inggris mulai darikelas-kelas akhir SD/MI, materi yang disampaikan di sini perlu diperkaya denganmateri tambahan yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta didik, walaupunstruktur pembelajarannya tetap mengacu pada model yang disampaikan dalam bukuini.Sebagai bagian dari Kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan pentingnyakeseimbangan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan, kemampuanberbahasa Inggris yang dituntut dibentuk melalui pembelajaran berkelanjutan:dimulai dengan meningkatkan kompetensi pengetahuan tentang jenis, kaidah, dankonteks suatu teks, dilanjutkan dengan kompetensi keterampilan menyajikan suatuteks tulis dan lisan baik terencana maupun spontan dengan pelafalan dan intonasiyang tepat, dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap kesantunan berbahasa.Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan peserta didikuntuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan yangdigunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013, peserta didik diajak menjadi berani untuk mencarisumber belajar lain yang tersedia dan terbentang luas di sekitarnya. Peran guru dalamBahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell iii 3. meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serap peserta didik dengan ketersediaankegiatan pada buku ini sangat penting. Guru dapat memperkayanya dengan kreasidalam berbagai bentuk kegiatan lain yang sesuai dan relevan yang bersumber darilingkungan sosial dan alam.Implementasi terbatas pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014 telah mendapattanggapan yang sangat positif dan masukan yang sangat berharga. Pengalamantersebut dipergunakan semaksimal mungkin dalam menyiapkan buku untukimplementasi menyeluruh pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dan seterusnya. Buku inimerupakan edisi revisi sebagai penyempurna edisi pertama dan buku ini sangatterbuka dan perlu terus dilakukan perbaikan untuk penyempurnaan. Oleh karenaitu, kami mengundang para pembaca memberikan kritik, saran dan masukan untukperbaikan dan penyempurnaan pada edisi berikutnya. Atas kontribusi tersebut, kamimengucapkan terima kasih. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat memberikan yang terbaikbagi kemajuan dunia pendidikan dalam rangka mempersiapkan generasi seratustahun Indonesia Merdeka (2045).Jakarta, Januari 2014Menteri Pendidikan dan KebudayaanMohammad Nuhiv Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 4. Diunduh dari BSE.Mahoni.comKata Pengantar ..........................................................................iiiDaftar Isi .........................................................................................vChapter I. How are You? .......................................................1Chapter II. Its Me ...................................................................24Chapter III. Its My Birthday ................................................42Chapter IV. I Love People around Me .............................67Chapter V. How many Pets do You Have .......................84Chapter VI. Lets Listen to the Songs ............................. 100Chapter VII. I Love Things around Me .............................112Chapter VIII. Shes so Nice ....................................................134Chapter IX. My Grandfather is a Doctor ........................154Chapter X. Attention, Please! ...........................................177Chapter XI. I am Proud of My Teacher ............................190Classroom Language for Students ...................................203Glosarium ....................................................................................206Daftar Pustaka ..........................................................................208Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell vEDOSITIBENIDaftar Isi 5. Name : ..............................................................................Date of Birth : ..............................................................................Address : ..............................................................................School : ..............................................................................Class : ..............................................................................Hobbies : ..............................................................................Favorite Color : ..............................................................................Favorite Food : ..............................................................................BENI.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................vi Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiDAYUThis is Me!Please write downyour identity here! 6. Chapter IHow are You?In this chapter, I will learn to: greet thank take leave apologizeBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 1BENIDid you say Goodmorning to your familythis morning? 7. Lets sing asong!Good MorningAnonym1 2 1 4 3 0Good morning to you1 2 1 5 3 0Good morning to you1 5 3 1 1 6Good morning dear my friends4 3 1 2 1Good morning to you1 2 1 4 3Good night to you1 2 1 5 3Good night to you1 5 3 1 1 2Good night dear my friend4 3 1 2 1Good night to you.UDIN2 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 8. Activity 1Observe the expressions ofgreeting below.Hello!BENIUDINEDOBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 3BENIGood morning!2345Goodmorning!Goodmorning!Goodmorning!Goodmorning!Hi!Goodmorning!Goodmorning! 9. Activity 2Please practise the greetingswith people around you.Good morning,Dear!4 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiLINASEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTLINABENII say good morningwhen I meet...Good morning,Dad!Hello,Lina!Good morning,Lina!Good morning,Mam! Hi,Beni!SITIGood morning,Mom!Good morning,Dear! 1 23 4 10. Activity 3Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 5Good afternoon,Mom!Good afternoon,Honey!Good evening,Dad!Good evening,Sweet heart!Good evening!SITIPlease practise withyour parents theexpressions below! 11. What shouldyou say?EDOSITIBENILINAActivity 46 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiEDOUDINDAYULINAPlease tell the classabout each picture.1 23 4 12. Please practise the greetingswith people around you.BENIHow are you,Sir?SEKOLAH MENENGBENILINA How are you?LINABahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 7Im feeling great.Thank you.And you?Im fi ne too.Thank you, Sir.How are you?Im fi ne too.Thank you.Im fi ne.Thank you.How about you?Activity 5 13. Im not feeling well. DAYUSiti? Im not feelingwell, Mam.I have aheadache.Ive got a fl u.Thank you,Mam.8 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi23SENINHow are you,BENIEDODAYUUDINSITIHow are you?Get well soon!Thanks a lot.Please make your own dialogueusing the expressions above!What is theproblem?Get wellsoon, Siti.Listen to your teacher,and repeat after him/her.Activity 7Activity 6 14. Here are myclassmates feelings.No Name Feeling1. Edo great2. Sri has a headache3. InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 9SITIPlease ask your classmates about theirfeelings and write them down here. Use themodel expressions above.BENIDAYUIm feelinggreat.How are you,Beni?Activity 8 15. BENIGoodbye,Mom!Bye, Honey!Activity 91 2See you later.Have a nice dream,Beni.10 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiSee you.Ta ke care!Goodbye!Good night, Dear. Good night, Mom.Have a nice dream too.Observe the expressions of takingleave below.Good night, Dad.34 16. Today I said goodbye toActivity 10Please write the names of peopleto whom you said goodbyeand where you said it.No Name Place1. Ms. Sri at school2. Mira in the classroom3. InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 11DAYUSITI DAYU EDO BENI 17. DAYUActivity 1112 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiUDINLINADAYUWhat should you say?What kind of greetingsshould you say? SITI1 23546 18. Activity 12LINA Please choose the right answers,then fi ll in the bubblesin each picture!LINASEKOLAH MENEUDINBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 13BENIGood morning!How areyou? ______________________________________What are they saying? Im feeling good. See you later. Good night. I feel dizzy. Good morning.1 2 19. Goodbye,Mam.DAYU___________________14 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENIUDINHow are you?Have a nicedream.__________________________345 20. Thank you.Ouch... my leg!Observe the expressions ofthanking below.DAYUSITIBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 15DAYUYou are so kind.Thank you.Activity 13Are you alright?Let me help you to stand up. 21. Thanks a lot.BENIActivity 1416 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENISITI__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________Please write down some expressionsfor the pictures below.1234 22. The box is heavy.Activity 15Use the words under thepicture to help you.Can you help me to carrythis heavy box?Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 17Thank you.Sure, Papa.UDIN1 234SITIget/a bottle of water clean/the boardsweep/the backyard wash/the dirty shoes 23. This week, I said Thanks to .No Name OccasionThank you so much.1234567891018 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENIPlease write the names of peopleto whom you said thank youand where you said it.EDOActivity 16 24. UDINListen to your teacher, andrepeat after him/her.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 19UDINIm sorry.Its OK, dear.Let me help you.You dont have to say it.Ouch. Im so sorry.Thank you.Activity 17 25. Would you like to feed animals?Please make a dialoguebased on each picture below!Im so sorry,we run out of the grass.20 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENIUDINWould you liketo feed the cows?Activity 18 26. Now, I know.... From now on, I will saygood morning, goodafternoon or good eveningwhen I meet people. good night or good byewhen I leave them. Thank you or Thanks a lotwhen I thank people Im sorry when I ask for anapology. EDOBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 21BENIMy MotherMy TeacherMy TeacherMy BrotherMy SisterMy FatherMy FriendMy Friend 27. My project is to create a dialogueand act it outUDINAttention please!To create a dialogue:- study the role cards.- perform it in front of the class.Thank you.Student A Greet your friend. Ask his/her feeling today. Give response to his/herasking. As your friend to holdyour bag because youwant to tie up yourloosen shoe lace. Thank him/her for helpingyou. Ask apology forbothering him/her. Say goodbye to him/her because you have toenter your class. Give response to. Give response to his/22 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisiher asking and in turn.Ask his/her own feeling. Give suitable responseof his/her asking. Give suitable responseto it. Give suitable to it. Give suitable responseto it.Student B 28. Lets sing a song.How are You?Traditional songGood morning my friends, how are you?Im fi ne!Good morning my friends, how are you?Im fi ne!Good morning my friends,Good morning my friends,Good morning my friends how are you?Im fi ne!Note: you can change Good afternoon Im great! Good evening Im good!*the rhyme is the same as If Youre Happyand You Know It song.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 23LINA 29. Chapter IIIts MeIn this chapter, I will learn tointroduce: myself othersWhat is your name?EDO24 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 30. Hello...Activity 1Hello, my name is Edo.I am twelve years old.I am a student of SMP Negeri 2 Biak.I live in Biak, Papua.I like swimming and reading books.My favorite color is green.My favorite food is fried rice.Nice to meet you.EDOBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 25BENIListen to your teacher, andrepeat after him/her. 31. Activity 2Hello, my name is ..I am .. years old.I am a student of .. .. .I live in .. ..I like .. My favorite color is My favorite food is .. Nice to meet you.BENI26 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiDAYULet me introducemyself.UDINUse the clues below. 32. Hello, myname is Beni.Hi, I am Edo.These are myfriends.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 27LINAObserve the pictures below.Where do they come from?12Activity 3 33. 28 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiHi, my name isSiti.Hello, I am Dayu.34 34. Who are they?Activity 4Complete the sentences basedon the pictures.He is _______________________He comes from ______________She is _____________________She is from ________________He is _____________________He is from _________________She is _____________________She comes from ____________Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 29 35. Activity 530 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiLINAHi. What is your name?Hi. What is yourname?I am Lina.I come from Medan.Whats yourname?BENIWhere do youcome from?Where are youfrom?Please practise with yourclassmatesusing the expressions below.Im fromBali.SITII am Beni. 36. BENIWhat is your name?Activity 6Where are you from?Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 31DAYUWhats yourname?Please fi ll in the bubblewith your own identity. 37. This ismy library card.Activity 7Please fi ll in yourlibrary card below.Library of SMP_________________________________Name : ..........................Student ID Number : .........................Date of Birth : ..........................Address : ..........................Library of SMP_________________________________Name : ...............................Student ID Number : ...............................Date of Birth : ...............................Address : ................................................................LINA32 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 38. These are myclassmates librarycards.Activity 8Guiding Questions :Library of SMP_________________Name : .......................Student ID Number: .......................Date of Birth : .......................Address : ..............................................Library of SMP_________________Name : .......................Student ID Number: .......................Date of Birth : .......................Address : ..............................................Library of SMP_________________Name : .......................Student ID Number: .......................Date of Birth : .......................Address : ..............................................Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 33BENIPlease ask about yourclassmates identity and fi llout the identity cards below.- What is your name?- What is your student ID number?- When were you born?- What is your address? 39. What is your favorite color?What is your favorite food?Activity 9Please ask your classmates abouttheir favorite color and favorite foodusing the questions above. Completethe table below.EDONo Name FavoriteColor34 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiFavoriteFood1. Siska pink fried chicken2. Devi blue noodle3. 40. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 35AFKPUZBGLQVCHMRWDINSXEJOTYHow do yousay it?Work in pairs. Practicespelling names as themodel dialog below.Whats yourname?My name is BENI.B-E-N-I.What about you?SITIActivity 10UDINEDOMy name is UDIN.U-D-I-N. 41. These are my classmates.Activity 11UDIN36 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiEDOUDINMy name is Edo.E-D-OWhat is your name?How do youspell it?Please ask your classmatesabout their names and how theyspell them. 42. These are my teachers.EDO Activity 12Please complete the table withthe names of your teachers andthe lessons they teach.Activity 13Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 37UDINNo.12345678910NameMr. ErryLessonEnglishHes Mr. Erry.E-R-R-Y. Hes myteacher.He teaches English.Please spell yourteachers names! 43. 38 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiSITIEDOLINADAYUHow should I call you?Hello, Mr. Erry.Hello, Mrs.Yuli.Hello, Mrs.Yuli.Hello, Mr.Gunawan.Hello, Edo.Hello, Lina.Hello, Edo.Hello, Siti.Activity 14Listen to your teacher, andrepeat after him/her. 44. EDO Now, I know...Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 39BENIDAYUFrom now, I know howto introduce myself andothers. And I know howto spell their names. 45. EDOMy project is to make a posterabout people I love.These are the people I loveAttention please! Find pictures/photos of people you love athome. Put the photos on a manila paper. Write descriptions of each photo below them. Present your poster in front of the class.Thank you.40 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiName : ______Age : ______Occupation : ______Hobbies : ______Name : ______Age : ______Occupation : ______Hobbies : ______Name : ______Age : ______Occupation : ______Hobbies : ______ 46. Lets sing a song!B I N G OTraditionalThere was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O!and Bingo was his name-o!There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.(Clap)-I-N-G-O! (Clap)-I-N-G-O! (Clap)-I-N-G-O!and Bingo was his name-o!There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.(Clap, clap)-N-G-O! (Clap, clap)-N-G-O!(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!and Bingo was his name-o!There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O! (Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!and Bingo was his name-o!There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!and Bingo was his name-o!There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)and Bingo was his name-o!Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 41BENI 47. Chapter IIIIts My BirthdayIn this chapter, I will learn to say: EDO names of the days time names of the dates names of the months names of yearsWhen were you born?42 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 48. What are the days in the week?Activity 1Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 43BENIJULY 2013Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31LINAListen to your teacher, andrepeat after him/her. 49. Activity2After Monday isTuesday.Saturday isafter Friday.44 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiWednesdayis beforeThursday.BeforeTuesday isMonday.LINABENI UDINEDOAfter Sunday is Monday.EDOObserve the expressions. Then taketurns with your friends practising theexpressions. Use different names ofthe days. 50. Today is Friday.Tomorrow is Saturday.UDIN Practice the expressionsabove using different days!Tomorrow is Saturday.Yesterday was Thursday.Today is Monday.Tomorrow is Tuesday.Yesterday was Sunday.April 20137 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 45BENIApril 2013S M T W T F S12 135 611 1 2 3 4 10 207 8 9 17 18 19 14 15 16 24 25 26 2721 22 23 28 29 30S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6LINAActivity 3 51. When do we have English?I learn Englishon Monday.I learn English on Mondays and Thursdays.LINAscheduleUDINActivity 4Please tell the class whatyou learn each day.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayEnglish Indonesian Social Study Math ScienceMath Science Sport English IndonesianArt Citizenship Religion Science -Religion Art Art Indonesian -46 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 52. This is my schedule.LINA Activity 5Please write downyour schedule here.Monday TuesdayWednesday Thursday FridayBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 47 53. SITIBENIApril 2013S M T W T F S7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30LINA UDIN1 2 3 4 5 61DAYUWhen do you do these activities?Activity 6Write the names of the day whenyou have activities shown on theIts on Monday.3pictures.2448 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 54. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 49a x (b +c) = (a x b) + (ax c)a x (b - c) = (a x b) - (a x c)SITIBENI5768 55. EDOThese are my weekly activities.Activity 7Please tell the class about your dailyactivities. Use the guiding questionsOn Mondays, I play football.On Tuesdays, I learn to play the guitar.On Wednesdays, I go jogging.On Thursdays, I go to the library.On Fridays, I visit my grandmother.On Saturdays, I go swimming.On Sundays, I go to the park.50 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENIto help you. What do you do onMondays? When do you go jogging? What do you do onWednesdays? When do you go swimming?UDINGuiding questions 56. Listen to your teacher reading thesenumbers.Repeat after him/her.1 2 3 4 5one two three four fi ve6 7 8 9 10six seven eight nine ten11 12 13 14 15eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fi fteen16 17 18 19 20sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty21 22 23 24 25twentyoneBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 51twentytwotwentythreetwentyfourtwentyfi ve26 27 28 29 30twentytwentytwentysixseveneighttwentynine thirty40 50 60 70 80forty fi fty sixty seventy eighty90 100 1000 10,000 1,000,000ninetyonehundred onethousandtenthousandonemillionActivity 8 57. I go to school at six thirty.BENIPlease write down the activity and the timeBENI BENIBENII go to schoolat six thirtyin the morning.in each picture.1592610352 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi7114812EDOActivity 9 58. These are my daily activities.UDIN Activity 10Please write the time in wordsbased onthe pictures below.I get up at _________________I take a bath at _____________I go to school at ____________Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 53123 59. BENI54 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiI go home at ______________I have dinner at _____________I go to bed at _____________456 60. These are my activities.Please write downyour daily activities here.Morning ActivitiesEvening ActivitiesAfternoon ActivitiesNight ActivitiesBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 551. ask your classmates abouttheir activities in the morning, in theafternoon, in the evening, and at night.DAYUActivity 11 61. What month is it?SITIJanuaryMaySeptemberActivity 12FebruaryJuneOctober56 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiMarchJulyNovemberAprilAugustDecember2013Listen to your teacherreading the names of themonths, and repeat afterhim/her. 62. February comes after January.Activity 13Observe the expressionsbelow.Activity 14Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 57BENIEDOBENIUDINDAYUAf ter May is June.Before November isOctober.April is before May.August is after July.Please practice sayingthe expressions above with yourfriends.Use different months. 63. How do you say these numbers?BENIActivity 151st the fi rst 11th the eleventh 21st the twentyIts my birthday.58 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisifi rst2nd the second 12th the twelfth 22nd the twentysecond3rd the third 13th the thirteenth 23rd the twentythird4th the fourth 14th the fourteenth 24th the twentyfourth5th the fi fth 15th the fi fteenth 25th the twentyfi fth6th the sixth 16th the sixteenth 26th the twentysixth7th the seventh 17th theseventeenth 27th the twentyseventh8th the eighth 18th the eighteenth 28th the twentyeighth9th the ninth 19th the nineteenth 29th the twentyninth10th the tenth 20th the twentieth 30th the thirtiethUDIN2JULYMy birthday is in July.It is on the second of July.It is on July the second.SITIListen to your teacherreading these numbers.Repeat after him/her. 64. Activity 16No Name Date of Birth1. Dewi 31st of March 20002. Randi 15th of October 20003. InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 59DAYUWhen is your birthday?Please ask your friends abouttheir birthday! 65. When do we celebrateBENI60 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiKartinis Day?On 21st of April.When do we celebratethese National days?EDOR.A. KartiniSource: koleksitempodoeloe.blogspot.com 66. Activity 17Complete the short dialogbased on the picture.Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik IndonesiaSource: 30 Tahun Indonesia MerdekaBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 6112 3Burung GarudaSource: 30 Tahun Indonesia MerdekaBung TomoSource: 30 Tahun Indonesia MerdekaBENILINAEDOSITIOn ....On .....When do we ...?When do wecelebrate ........?Its on ......When .... ? 67. My project is to make a poster ofImportant Days in a Month.National Days in IndonesiaApril 21st Kartini DayApril 22nd Earth DayMay 1st Labor DayMay 2nd National Education DayMay 20th National Awakening DayMay 22nd Reformation Commemoration DayJune 1st Pancasila DayJuly 22nd National Children DayAugust 17th Independence DayOctober 1st Pancasila Sanctity DayOctober 2nd Batik DayOctober 5th Indonesian National Armed Forces DayOctober 28th Youth Pledge DayNovember 10th Heroes DayDecember 22nd Mothers DayUDINAttention please! Work in groups of four or fi ve. Each group makes a one-month calendar. Each calendar should be diff erent from group to group For that, you should do mini research about the National Daysin every month. Decorate the calendar, and then put it in the classroom.Thank you.62 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 68. Lets play the calendar games.BENIEDO Please work in groups of four or fi ve. Each group has a dice. Each student has a token. Roll the dice. Move your token based on the numbers. Say the name of the day of the week andthe date that you are on with your token. Forexample: Today is Monday. It is the eighthday of the month. The student who fi rst reaches the end of themonth will be the winner.UDINLINAAttention please!Thank you.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 63SITI 69. Now, I know ...LINANow I know howto say the time,the names of thedays, the dates,and the months.64 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 70. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 65EDOMy project is to interview myfriends.Name Place ofbirthDay ofbirth Date of birth Hobby WeekendactivityAttention please! Go around the class. Find 4 (four) friends in your class that you like. Interview your friends using the form above. Tell the class about them.Thank you. 71. Lets sing a song!LINAThe Names of the Months1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1January February3 4 5 3 4 5March April May and June5 6 5 4 3 1July August September5 6 5 4 3 1October November1 5 1 1 5 1December December*the rhyme in this song is the same asthat in Are You Sleeping song.66 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 72. Chapter IVI Love People around MeIn this chapter, I will learn to tell about: my personal identity the identity of family members the peopleBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 67SITIHow many brothers orsisters do you have? 73. My name is Siti, S - i - t - iActivity 1Observe the model of the text below. My name is Lina. L - i - n - a I am a student. I go to SMP 1 in Palembang. I was born in Palembang on 30th December 2002. I live at Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15. My phone number is 200001. I like jogging, bicycling, and listening to music. My Parents names are Mr. Helmi Yahya and Mrs. Yoana Pataya. I have one brother and one sister. They are Dandi and Dinda. My blood type is O. You can e-mail me at pidia2002@yahoo.co.id I am in VII F. Name Place and date ofbirth Address School Class Hobby Parents Names Blood Type e-mail address68 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi: ......................................:.......................................: ......................................: ......................................: ......................................: ......................................: Father : ..........................Mother : .........................: ......................................: ......................................SITILINAActivity 2Read again the text above, and fi ll inthe personal identity form below. 74. This is MeBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 69Activity 3Who are you? Write your identityin the bubble below. Refer to themodel above. ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ...................................BENI 75. My Father is a doctor.Activity 4Listen toyour teacher.LINAThis is my father. He is about forty years old. Heis a doctor. He goes to Public Hospital. He driveshis car to the hospital. He works everyday exceptSunday.My Father is not very tall. He is about 170 cm tall.He has thick hair and a pointed nose. He wearsglasses.My Father likes reading books and magazines.He always reads magazines after work and readsbooks when he is off from work.My father is a kind man. He always helps patientspatiently and carefully. Im very proud of him.70 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiThis is myFather.Activity 5Now choose the right picture based onthe information from the text.UDIN 76. Activity 6Now tell about Mr.Yahya and Mrs.YoanaPataya.Activity 7Tell about your sister orbrother.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 71This is my sister. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...This is my brother. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 77. I love my family.BENIActivity 8Please mention the membersof the family that you cansee in the picture.72 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 78. This is my family tree.Activity 9RidwanJohan Hasanah DidiBENISITIActivity 10Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 73EDOObserve the family tree, andtell their relation.SarahYuliIndra Beni SitiDraw your own family tree, andtell the relation! 79. With friends, take turnstalking about yourfamily members. Referto the examples below.They aremy familymembers.This is my father.His name is Didi.He is 45 years old.He likes reading.BENIThis is my mother.Her name is Hasanah.She is 40 years old.She likes cooking.74 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiThis is my brother.His name is Indra.He is 5 years old.He likes crying.UDINActivity 11 80. This is my mother.She is 40 years old.She is a teacher.They are my family.my motherBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 75mygrandfathermygrandmotherBENI 81. my sister my brothermy auntSITI76 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisimy unclemy father 82. These are myfamily members.BENIActivity 12sentences based onthe pictures below.___________________Please make1 2Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 77UDINI have twosisters.EDO_________________________________________________________3 4 83. We are together.Activity 13We eat together. We work together.78 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiDAYUWe love eachother.We laughtogether.BENISITIStudy the activities below. 84. The things Ive donewith my family.Activity 14No Activities Day and Time1. go to the park every Sunday2. InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 79EDOPlease write downyour activities withyour family. 85. DAYUIts a love letter to my mom.Activity 15Dear Mama,How are you Mom?I hope you are in a good conditionI love you very much.80 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiWith LoveDayuPlease write a letterto your mother, andthen post it!MAILBOX POSTDAYUStudy the letter below.Activity 16 86. Now I knowthe people aroundme.I love themvery much.SITIEDOBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 81LINANow, I know... 87. EDOMy project is to tell you thepeople in my family photo.My FamilyAttention please! Choose one of your family picture of thepostcard size. Make a frame from the recycled things for yourphoto. Write short identity of each people in the frame oncolourful paper. Stick the frame on a card board. Stick the identity sheet next to the photoframe. Display the card board. Tell about each member of family based onthe identity sheet.Thank you.82 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 88. Mother, How are You Today?Maywood3 3 2 3 2 1 1Mother, how are you today?5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1Here is a note from your daughter.2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 4With me everything is OK.3 3 3 2 3 2 1Mother, how are you today?Mother, dont worry, Im fi ne.Promise to see you this summer.This time there will be no delay.Mother, how are you today?* The rhyme is the same as above.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 83SITILets sing a song! 89. Chapter VHow many Petsdo You Have?In this chapter, I will learn to: count things count animals name public placesHow many pets doyou have?UDIN84 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 90. Activity 1Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 85BENIone bagone penciltwo bagsfour pencilsone rulerone dictionarythree rulerstwo dictionariesI have one bag.Listen to your teacher reading the words,and repeat after him/her.di ti di ti 91. DAYULabel the following objects.Use the correct forms.Observe the pictures.Name the objects.Write down the name and thenumber of the objects.one book three booksActivity 2......................... .................................................. ......................... ......................... .................................................. ......................... ......................... .........................86 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 92. Activity 3Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 87BENII fi nd them in the livingroom.Look at the pictures below. Work with apartner to make sentences. Refer to theexamples.DAYUThere is a TV set.There are two lamps. 93. DAYUI fi nd them in my bedroom.Activity 4Look at the pictures below. Workwith a partner to make sentences.Refer to the examples.88 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiEDOThere is a study table.There are two pillows.p 94. Activity 5Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 89BENII fi nd them in the kitchen.Look at the pictures below.Work with a partner to makesentences. Refer to theexamples.DAYUThere is a stove.There are three glasses. 95. Activity 690 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiThere isa television.UDINThere arefi ve plates.EDOI fi nd them at home.Please describe the picture. 96. How many pencils do you have?Things SentencesBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 911. 4 books2. 3 rulers3. 1 dictionary4. 5 pencils5. 2 erasers6. 1 pencil case7. 1 hat8. 2 bagsI have four books........................................................................................................................................................................BENIActivity 7Write sentences in the table belowusing the information given.DAYUI have four books.DAYUI have three pencils. 97. DAYUHow many pencils does she have?She has two pencils.Activity 8Write sentences in the table belowusing the pictures given.Things Sentences1. Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiShe has fourbooks........................................................................................................................................................................gBENI 98. How many rulers does he have?Things SentencesBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 931. has four books........................................................................................................................................................................BENIActivity 9Write sentences in the table belowusing the pictures given.DAYUHe has three rulers. 99. one catone dogI have one cat.three catstwo dogsone rabbitone duck94 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisitwo rabbitsthree ducksDAYUActivity 10Listen to your teacher reading thewords, and repeat after him/her. 100. How many pets do you have?BENI Activity 11Observe the pictures.Name the animals.Write down the name and thenumber of the animal.one chick .............................................. .......................................................................................................................................... ....................... ....................... .......................Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 95 101. I fi nd them inthe zoo.DAYU Activity 12Please describe the96 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisipictures.EDO There is an elephant.There are three tigers. 102. These are public places in my town.RUMAH SAKITActivity 13What is it?What do you think about it?What can we do there?Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 97LINA1 24635 103. LINANow, I know...RUMAH SAKITNow I knowthe things, animals,public places aroundme. I will take care ofthem.98 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 104. My project is to makea mini dictionary.Attention please! Please work in groups of four or fi ve. Collect pictures of things, animals, and publicplaces. Category them into groups of things, animals, andpublic places. Stick them on a book, then name them.Thank you.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 99EDO 105. Chapter VI Lets Listen to the SongsIn this chapter, I will learn to: identify the meaning of a song identify rhyming words name singular and plural nounsDAYUWhat is yourfavorite song?100 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 106. Lets listen to a song.Activity 1Please read a part of asong below carefully.Activity 2Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 101DAYUI have a dream, a song to sing ...To help me cope with anything ...If you see the wonder of a fairy tale ....You can take the future even if you fail .....Observe the last word ofeach line. What are they?Write down in the table.Line Word1 ............................2 ............................3 ............................4 ............................ 107. Lets fi nd the rhymes.Activity 3DAYUWith a friend, practice reading those lastwords using the right pronunciation. Doyou notice that the word in Line 1 rhymeswith the word in Line 2? The word in Line3 rhymes with the word in Line 4? Do youknow what rhyme means? Discuss it withyour friend.102 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 108. Activity 4Work individually to fi nd two words thatrhyme with each of the following words.Observe the examples. Write down yourwords in the table.see me bedreamwondertakebelievecopetimerightwhileActivity 5Work individually to fi nd two wordsthat rhyme with each of the followingwords. Observe the examples. Write downyour words in the table.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 103 109. BENILets listen and sing the song together.Use the following lyric tohelp you sing the song.I have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the wonder of a fairy taleYou can take the future even if you failI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angels When I know the time is right for meIll cross the stream I have a dreamOh yeahI have a dream, a fantasyTo help me through realityAnd my destination makes it worth the whilePushing through the darkness, Still another mileI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meIll cross the stream I have a dreamI have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the wonder of a fairy taleYou can take the future even if you failI believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meIll cross the stream I have a dreamIll cross the stream I have a dream104 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiActivity 6 110. What does this word mean?Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 105BENIActivity 7Read the lyric carefully. Find themeaning of each of these words orphrases. Then discuss it with yourfriend.Words/Phrases Meaningcope withwonderfuturestreamdestinationpush throughworthangels 111. BENILets get the message.Activity 8Read the lyric again carefully.With a friend, answer the followingquestions.1. What might be the best title for the song?2. What is the song about?3. What does this line You can take the future evenif you fail mean?4. Do you think the song teaches us to be optimisticor pessimistic? Why do you think so? Giveevidence to support your answer.5. What might my destination mean?6. What does this stanza mean? Please retell thisstanza using your own words.I believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meIll cross the stream I have a dream7. Why do you think some words need to berepeated?8. Which line do you like most? Why?9. Do you like the song? What makes you like thesong?10. What can you learn from the song?106 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 112. Lets see the language. BENIActivity 9Read the lyric carefully. Find themeaning of each of these words orphrases. Then discuss it with yourfriend.desk birds balltoys friend farmerschairs glasses cupsbooks fl owers catsstars butterfl y horsescar girls ladderBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 107 113. Who is your favorite singer?Activity 10Think about your favorite singer.Write down in the table why he or shebecomes your most favorite singer.What are the good things about him orher that you want to follow?Name of favorite singer ................................ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Etc.Good things to follow _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Etc.Activity 11BENIReasonsCompare what you have with yourfriends. After that, share it with the class.108 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 114. Lets play a guessing game.Activity 12Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 109BENIWork in groups. Ask the members of thegroup to guess the title of the song. Usethree clues to help them guess. The cluesmight be about :1. The name of the singer.2. The content of the song that is what thesong is about.3. The tune of some part of the song.Take turns doing this among the membersof the group. The winner of this game willbe the one that can guess the most. 115. Lets make poem ourselves.Activity 13BENIPlease read the lyric of the song again. Doyou think the words are beautiful? Noticethat a song might look like a poem. Writedown poems using the following topics.1. friend or best friend2. mother or father3. your own topic1. friend or best friend........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2. mother or father........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3. your own topic........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 116. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 111LINANow, I know...From now on, I know that : songs have lyrics andrhymes. to understand songs wehave to understand thelanguage. we can express our feelingsthrough songs 117. Chapter VII I Love Things around MeIn this chapter, I will learn to name: things in the classroom things in my bag parts of the house animals in my school and myhomeUDINWill you show me your pen,please?112 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 118. This is my classroom.2a chair3a window an air conditioner6a picture a doorBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 113BENIPlease label the picturesusing the words in thebox.a cupboarda tablea deska booka globe15a clock a board47 89111012Activity 1.................................................................................... 119. There are many roomsat my school.EDO Activity 2114 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi6 - A6 - A1.2.3.4.SSEEKKOOLLAAHH DDAASSAARR NNEEGGEERRII 11Please go outsidethe classroom, then fi ndthe rooms in the picture below.Write down the things you fi nd there. 120. These are the thingsin my bag.Activity 3Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 115UDINPlease name the thingsin the pictures, and thendescribe them orally........ ..................... ....... .............. ....... ....... 121. These are the thingsin my bag.Activity 4.................... I have............................I have116 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiEDOI have ............................I have ............................I have ............................LINA1.2.3.4.Please write downthe things in your bag. 122. This is myclassroom.Activity 5Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 117SITIPlease observe thepictures. Make questionsabout the things, andgive the answers.Use the example to helpyou.Things Questions Answerschair How many chairs are there? There are six chairs.erasercupboardmappenpictureboard 123. Come to my house.DAYUActivity 6Please mention the parts of thehouse and the things in there.118 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 124. This is my living room.Please write downthe things that you cansee in the picture........ .......Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 119SITIActivity 79 1105263479810........................................................ 125. BENIThis is my kitchen.Activity 8Please mentionthe things that you can see inthe picture. Use the words inthe box to help you.6a stove an oven a cabinet a sinka pan a frying pan a refrigerator120 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi5312 47............................ ....... .............. 126. This is my dining room.Activity 9There is ................ / There are ................Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 121EDOPlease describethe things that you can seein the picture.Things in the dining room:chair bottle mug table clothknife spoon plate lunch boxbowl fork table water jug 127. This is my bedroom.Listen to your teacher,and repeat after him/her.a blanketa bolster122 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisia dressing tablea pillowa mirrora beda wardrobea lampLINAActivity 10 128. This is my bathroom.Activity 11UDIN Please mentionthe things that you cansee in the picture. Usethe words in the box tohelp you.a bucket a toilet a tuba scoop a sink a mirrora showerBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 1231234657.......................................... ....... 129. This is my garage.SITIActivity 12Please describethe things that you seein the picture.WELCOME..............124 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi................................... 130. This is my garden.a wheel barrowa spadeActivity 13Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 125a bencha treesome fl owersa bird cagea hoesome potsa watering canDAYUListen to your teacherreading these words.Repeat after him/her. 131. I sleep in my bedroom.LINAActivity 14Where do you dothese activities?1 23 4126 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 132. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 127ENGLISHBOOK5768 133. Activity 15I fi nd a bolster inmy bedroom.SITI128 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENII fi nd a bolster in .Make sentences based onthe pictures below.1234 5 134. Activity 16Things in my bedroom Things in my kitchenBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 129--------------Things in my living room Things in my bathroom--------------Things in my garden Things in my garage-------------LINAThese things are inmy house.Please write downthe things in your house. 135. I have them at homeand at school.DAYUWhat kinds of animals canyou fi nd in your backyard?Use the words in the boxto help you.130 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiActivity 1712345...................................a cricket a worma cocoon a ladybuget a fl y 136. Now I know the thingsin my school and myhouse. Ill keep themcarefully.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 131LINANow, I know... 137. My project is to makelabels for my school.canteenscience laboratorylibrarylanguage laboratoryheadmasters offi ce132 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisitoiletsteachers roomAttention please! Please make several labels forthe rooms around your school. Put each of them in the rightplace.Thank you.LINA 138. SITIMy project is to describemy favorite things, my favorite placeat home, and animals at school.They are my favoriteplaces at home.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 133BENIDAYUscheduleIoUDINThey are theanimals at myschool.Attention please!Put the pictures of your favorite things,favorite places at home and animals atyour school on the wall in your class!Thank you.They are myfavorite things. 139. ChapterShes so NiceIn this chapter, I will learn to describe : people animalsDo you have a pet?134 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiVIII 140. Lets sing a song!Old McDonaldTraditional1 1 1 5 6 6 5Old MacDonald had a farm,3 3 2 2 1EE-I-EE-I-O.5 1 1 1 5 6 6 5And on that farm he had a COW,3 3 2 2 1EE-I-EE-I-O.5 5 1 1 1With a MOO MOO here5 5 1 1 1and a MOO MOO there5 5 1 1 1Here a MOO, there a MOO,1 1 1 1 1everywhere a MOO MOO1 1 1 5 6 6 5Old MacDonald had a farm,3 3 2 2 1EE-I-EE-I-O.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 135DAYU 141. How nice they are!Activity 1Please describethe picture below.EDO136 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 142. SITI Activity 2Observe the picture, anddescribe it.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 137LINAThis is my backyard.The boy is handsome.He is diligent.He is kind to animals.What do you thinkabout the boy? EDO 143. This is my family.Who is she/he? What doyou think about him/her?What does he/she do?She is Lina.She is a pretty girl.She always helps me.138 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiThis is my grandfather.He is a hard worker.He works at the farm.This is my father.He is a kind man.He works in the garden.UDIN Activity 3 144. Activity 4Study the pictures and sentences.BENI Shes a helpful girl.She is very kind.He is very cheerful.UDINSITIHe is very diligent.EDOBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 139 145. What do you think aboutyour classmates?LINAActivity 5Please ask aboutyour classmatescharacteristics.No Name Characteristics1 Sari nice, helpful, easy going2345678910140 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 146. Activity 6Observe the pictures, and readthe sentences.I have curly hair.What about you? EDOActivity 7Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 141EDOBENIDAYUDAYUEDOUDINHes tall. He has curly hair.He has dark skin.Shes tall. Her hair is straight.Her skin is smooth.Hes thin. He has sharp eyes.He has a pointed nose.Please describeyour family members! 147. They are people around me.Activity 7No Name Physical Appearance1 Wulan wavy hair, a pointed nose, smooth142 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisiskin.2345678910UDINBENIPlease write down yourclassmates physicalappearance. 148. What dothey do?Activity 9This is my mother.She is a beautiful woman.She likes reading novels.This is my teacher.He is smart.He helps people.DAYUSITIBENIBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 143LINAThis is my friend.She is beautiful.We go to school together.DAYUWho is she/he?What do you think of her/him?What does she/he do? 149. What do you think of them?Please describeeach member of your family!My LittleBrother144 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiMy BigBrotherSITIActivity 10My MotherMy Father 150. People around me.Please describe each picture below!1 2 3Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 145475 68UDINActivity 11 151. What do they look like?DAYUPlease circle the words thatcan be used to describepeople, things, or animals.S I T A L L T S S A WH I O S H A R P U Y AO O P P O I N T E D VR S L I G H T I I V YT U H B F T C U R L YBENI146 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiEDOUDIN LINASITIDAYUActivity 12 152. Activity 13Look at the picture below, andread the description of theanimals.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 147SITIBENIAnimals are different.Look at the picture!The dog has fur.The cat has fur.The duck has feathers.The chicken has feathers.The fi sh has scales.The snake has scales. 153. Activity 14LINA Listen to your teacher andIt has feathers, a beak, and wings.What doesa rabbit look like?148 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiSEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMABENILINAWhat does it look like?It has fur,two long ears,and a small tail.What does a birdlook like?repeat after him/her. 154. These animals are around me.Activity 15Please write down animalsyou can fi nd around youand their physical appearance.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 149BENINo Kind of Animals Physical Appearance1 a butterfl y colorful, small, pretty2345678910 155. Animals are special.Why do you thinka horse is strong?150 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBecause it can bringheavy things.Why do you thinka seal is clever?Because it can playwith the ball.Why do you thinka monkey is playful?Because it can playwith the zookeeper.Why do you thinka peacock is beautiful?Because it can showits colorful wings.BENIDAYUPlease practise withyour friends aboutthe expressions below!EDOActivity 16 156. How is the animal?The elephant is big.It has a long trunk.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 151SITIPlease describe eachanimal below.1234Activity 17 157. Now, I know...From now on, I will paymore attention tothe people and animalsaround my schooland my home.SITI152 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 158. My project is to do a Mini Survey.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 153Family membersCharactersAnimals around youAttention please! Please work in groups of four or fi ve. Observe the environment around you. Two groups observe the sameobjects. Here are the things to observe:1. the number of family members,2. their characters (in your opinion),and3. animal(s) around you. The families to observe:1. a teachers family,2. Pak RTs family, and3. canteen owners familyDAYU 159. Chapter IXMy Grandfather is a DoctorIn this chapter, I will learn totalk about: what people do where they do the activity what animals do what things are forUDINWhat does your mother do?154 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 160. This is my family.DAYU Activity 1What are they?My Grandfather My Mother My Grandmother My FatherBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 155 161. My grandfather is a doctor.156 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiRUMAH SAKITEDOActivity 2Please look at the picture,and read the sentencesaloud.My grandfather is a doctor. He examinespatients carefully. He works in the hospital. 162. Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 157DAYUEDOMake sentences based onthe picture below!Look at the example!Hotdog isnot good forhealth.He explains about junk food.Activity 3 163. He tells my grandmotherto cook healthy food.BENIActivity 4What kinds of healthy fooddo you know? Discuss withyour friends.158 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 164. My grandmother is a cook.Activity 5Please describe the pictureRUMAH MAKANPADANGMy grandmother likes cooking.She has a restaurant in the city.She cooks Padang food.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 159SITIBENIbelow. 165. She has a Padang restaurant.Activity 6160 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiRUMAH MAKANSUNDARUMAH MAKANPADANGRUMAH MAKAN MANADOCOTO MAKASSARLINAEDOBENI DAYULINAI want to eat cotoMakassar.I want to eat freshvegetables andsambal. I want to eatrendang.I want to eatManado porridge.Please ask your classmatesabout traditional foodin each restaurant. 166. On Friday, she asks our familyto eat together there.Activity 7Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 161UDINAnswer these questions: (work ingroups)How often do you eat out with yourfamily? When do you usually eat out?What is the most favorite place for yourfamily to eat out? Why? 167. My father is a teacher.UDINActivity 8162 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiMy father is ascience teacher.He specializes inteaching livingthings. For example,he explains partsof a fl ower to hisEDOstudents.BENILook at the picture, andread the sentences aloud. 168. Now, he talks to the classabout parts of a fl ower.These arethe petals.Activity 9Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 163DAYUThese arethe pistils.These arethe stamens.This isthe fruitwill.Listen to your teacherreading the sentences.Repeat after him/her. 169. He is also a gardener.SITIActivity 10Discuss with your friendswhat he might do in thegarden. Use the picture tohelp you.164 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 170. My mother is a policewoman.Activity 11Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 165UDINWork in pairs to discusswhat she does. Use thequestions to help you.- What is she?- Where does she work?- What does she do? 171. SActivity 12166 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENILINASITIShe knows all traffi c signs.This sign meansDont Stop!SITIDiscuss with your friendswhat the traffi c signs belowmean. 172. She protects the town from crime.Activity 13Describe the picture.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 167DAYUss sBANK 173. Activity 14Now, please tell about your family.Use these questions.- what is he/she?- what does he/she do?- where does he/she do the activity?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.2.34.SITI168 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 174. Activity 15This is a snake.Its a wild animal.It bites!I love animals.BENIBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 169LINAEDOThis is my cat.It has black fur.It sleeps.This is abutterfl y.The color ispretty.It fl ies.BENIDescribe the animals.Refer to the examples. 175. Activity 16Please complete the table below.Animals Activity1. Birds2. Snakes3. Dogs4. Cockroaches5. Turtles6. Cats7. Horses8. Tigers9. Buffaloes10. Kangaroos170 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisifl y............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 176. Please describe thethings around you!This is my sofa.It is very comfortable.I like sitting on it.This is a bowl.Its round.We put soup in it.Home sweet home.BENIThis is an English book.It is an interesting book.I read it everyday.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 171EDOActivity 17 177. Activity 18Please observe your classroom.- Mention things there.- What do you use them for?172 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 178. Activity 19Now please write what you see in thepicture. Write it in the box provided.This is my classroom. There are .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 173 179. I fi nd them on my backyard.EDO Activity 20What kind of things do youfi nd on your backyard?BENI174 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiBENIBENIThis is a grasshopper.It is green.It hops on the grass.These are cows.They are big and strong.They eat grass.It is a hut.Its made of bamboos.We like sitting there. 180. Now, I know...From now on,I can describe people,animals, and thingsaround me.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 175SITI 181. My project is to makea map of my town.Attention please!EDO In a group of four or fi ve, please make a mapof your town. If possible, put several pictures of public placesin your town. Decorate your poster, then put it on the wall.Thank you.176 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 182. ChapterAttention, Please!In this chapter, I will learn to make: instructions, short notices, and warnings/cautions.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 177BENIWhat signs do you fi ndat your school?X 183. Activity 1BENILINA178 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiDAYUWhat are they doing?Draw a ball!Cut thepaper!Paint thecanvas!Hangthe picture!SITILook at thepictures and studythe instructions. Drawa line to match eachpicture with the rightinstruction. 184. Activity 2Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 179LINAEDODAYUBENISITI UDINKELAS 7 - ADAYUBENIEDOLINASITILINAEDODAYULook at the pictures. Whatdoes the teacher probablysay to the students?1 23 45768 185. Dont litter!LINAActivity 3Listen and repeat.180 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 186. Please describethis picture!Be quiet, please!Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 181SITIActivity 4 187. These are the signs I see alongthe way from home to school.Activity 5Draw the signs you see along theroad. What does each mean?EDO182 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 188. Activity 6Listen to your teacherreading these warningsigns. Repeat after him/This is the zoo.Do not play in the pond.BENIDo not take the chicken.UDINher.Do not feed the cowcow. Stay away from the fence.BENIBENIDAYUBahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 18312BENI3 4 189. I see some warning signs.UDIN Activity 7Draw warning signs.What does each mean?184 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 190. Be careful!Please describethe signs below!1 2 3Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 18547586SITIActivity 8 191. What kinds of signscan I put there?UDIN Activity 9BENIUDINPlease draw the signsthat you can fi nd at186 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiLINASITIDAYUyour school. 192. Now, I know...From now on,I will pay attentionto the signsaround me.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 187LINA 193. My project is to makediff erent signs for my school.Attention please! Please make several signs you can usein your school. Put them in the right places.Thank you.EDO188 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 194. Lets play guessing games.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 18923SENINProjectEDOUDINDAYUBENIAttention please! One student will come to the front of the class. The teacher will show a word, a phrase or a picture. The other students should guess what it means.Thank you.UDIN 195. ChapterI am Proud of My TeacherIn this chapter, I will learn to describe my idol teacher my cute pet my lovely house190 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisiand tell about:Who is your idol?XI 196. My idol teacherListen to yourteacher, and repeatafter him/her.Aquilla : Excuse me, Dinda.Dinda : Yes, Aquilla. Whats up?Aquilla : Do you have an idol teacher?Dinda : Yes, I do. A female teacher. She is young.Aquilla : Who is she? Whats her name?Dinda : Her name is Miss Qonina.Aquilla : What does she teach?Dinda : She teaches us English.Aquilla : Why do you like her?Dinda : She is kind, patient, cheerful, and of coursevery pretty.Aquilla : Lucky you.Dinda : Thanks.Now please tell aboutMiss Qonina.Miss Qonina is a .. .She is .. .She teaches us .. .Every student in my class . .She is always . , . , , and .Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 191SITIActivity 1Activity 2 197. Activity 3Now please describe these people. Use thesequestions to help you. Use the clues underthe picture as well.What is she/he?What is his/her name?Who is he/she?What does he/she do?What is he/she like?UDINMiss Sisca/aunt/nurse/Activity 4Mr Harun/father/doctor/greatMr Parlin/neighbor/policeman/strong andhealthyPlease describe these people. Writethem in the boxes provided. Put hisor her photo in the proper box. Referto the examples in Activity 3.Mother Best brother/sisterClose friendPolicemanBest badmintonplayerFavorite singerFavorite artistIdol footballer192 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisifriendlyAnissa/cousin/singer/energetic 198. Activity 5Now it's time for you todescribe your idol teacher. Usethese questions to help you.1. Whats your idol teachers name?2. What does he/she teach you?3. How old is he/she?4. What is he/she like?SITI My idol teacher................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 193 199. My cute petActivity 6Read the model text below.My cute cat, SpotLINAI have a cat. Its name is Spot. Spot is a one-year-old regular housecat. He is an adorable cat. He has orange fur with white and blackspots. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning Igive Spot milk. Spot does not like rice, so I give him cat food. Spot isan active animal. He likes to run around the house. He likes to chaseeveryone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, Spot usuallysleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table.source : Bse1. The writer has a .2. Its name is .3. Spot is a ..4. He is an .5. I like to .6. Spot eats . and drinks .7. He is very and likes to .8. Spots usually sleeps ..Activity 7Complete thesentences basedon the text above.194 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 200. I have a ... as my pet.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 195UDIN 201. Activity 9Please describe your cute pet.Use these questions to help you. Put thepicture of your pet in the box provided.1. What pet do you have?2. What do you name it?3. What is it like?4. What do you feed them?5. What does it like to do?6. What do you like to do with it?7. How do you like it?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................196 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 202. Activity 10Listen to your teacher.Repeat after him/her.I am Gaby. I live in Jakarta. My house is at no 10 JlMerdeka East Jakarta. Its not a big house. Its small.Its painted apple green. I like it anyway. It has asmall garden and a mango tree in front of the house.It looks green and nice.My house has two bedrooms, a living room, a diningroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Each of it hasits own furniture and equipment. We can do manyactivities there.My bedroom is in the front part of the house, next tothe living room. My parents room is in the middlepart of the house next to the dining room. Thekitchen and the bathroom are at the back part of thehouse.My parents and I always directly go home afterschool and work. We sit together in the evening andtalk about my school, and many others. We love ourhouse very much. Our house is really our home.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 197UDINMy lovely house. 203. Activity 11With your friend, draw the housedescribed in the text using theinformation in the text.Draw your picture here.Activity 12Please tell the class about Gabys housethat you read in the text. You may writeyour draft here, in the box.Gaby's house is at ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................198 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 204. My house is big and beautiful.Activity 13 UDINPlease describe the picturesbelow.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 199 205. Activity 14Now write a paragraph describingyour house. Use these questionsto help you.1. Where do you live?2. What is your address?3. How does your house look like?4. What color did you paint it?5. Does it have a garden or not?6. How many rooms are there in your house?7. What are they?8. Where is your room?9. Do you like your room?10. How do you like it?Write your paragraph here;...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................200 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 206. Now, I know...From now on,I can describepeople, animalsand things aroundme in details.Bahasa InggrisWhen English Rings a Bell 201LINA 207. My project is to design My Future Home.Attention please! Make a plan of your future home. You can draw it on a big poster anddescribe it. Present it in front of the class.Thank you.UDIN202 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 208. Classroom Language for StudentsQuestions to ask your teacherEnglish IndonesianHow do you spell? Bagaimana Anda mengeja ?What does mean? Apa arti dari kata ?How do you pronounce/this word? Bagaimana cara Anda mengucapkankata / kata ini?Is this a noun or a verb/an adjectiveor an adverb?Apakah ini adalah kata benda ataukata kerja/ sebuah kata sifat atau kataketerangan?Does mean the same as ? Apakah memiliki arti yang sama dengan?Whats the diff erence between and?(in meaning/pronunciation/spelling)Apa perbedaan antara dan ?(dalam arti, pengucapan, atau caramengeja)Can you repeat that please? Dapatkan Anda mengulanginya?Can you say that one more timeplease?Dapatkah Anda mengucapkannya sekalilagi?Can you play the CD one more time? Dapatkah Anda memutar CD-nya sekalilagi?What does _________ stand for? Apa arti dari kata ?Which syllable/ word is stressed? Suku kata/kata mana yang memilikipenekanan?How many syllables does it have? Berapa banyak suku kata yang dimi-likinya?Sorry I missed the last class. Maaf, saya tidak masuk di pertemuansebelumnya.Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell 203 209. Can you tell me which part I missed? Dapatkah Anda memberi tahu bagianmana yang saya lewatkan?What was the homework? Apa pekerjaan rumah (pada pertemuanyang lalu)?What should I do to catch up? Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untukmengejar ketertinggalan?Sorry, Im late. Maaf saya terlambat.How ca n I improve my speaking/lis-tening/fl uency/vocabulary?Bagaimana saya dapat mengingkatkankemampuan berbicara/mendengarkan/kelancaran/kosa kata?Telling your teacher about classroom problemsEnglish IndonesianIm afraid I cant see the board/read that word/ hear the CD/un-derstandthe last part.Maaf, saya tidak dapat melihatpapan tulis/ membaca katanya/mendengar CD/mengerti bagianterakhir.I cant understand that grammar. Saya tidak dapat mengerti tatabahasa itu.I cant understand the diff erencebetween those two (words/sen-tences/examples/tenses.Saya tidak mengerti perbedaanantara kedua bagian ini (kata/kali-mat/204 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisicontoh/tenses).I cant understand that personsaccent/that joke.Saya tidak dapat mengerti aksenorang ini/ candaan ini.We dont understand how to playthe game.Kami tidak mengerti bagaimanaharus bermain permainan ini.What should we do? Apa yang harus kami lakukan? 210. When playing games with your partnerEnglish IndonesianWho wants to go fi rst? Siapa yang akan pergi terlebih dahulu?After you. Silakan kamu duluan.Ladies fi rst. Perempuan terlebih dahulu.Its your turn./Youre next. Silakan giliranmu./Kamu selanjutnya.Whos next?/Whose turn is it? Siapa selanjutnya?/Bagian siapa sekarang?Can you pass me the dice/packof cards/ worksheet please?Dapatkah kamu memberikanku dadu/setumpuk kartu/lembar kerja?Do you understand what wehave to do?Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang harus kitalakukan?Can you explain the grammar/game/vocabulary for me?Dapatkah kamu menjelaskan tata bahasa/permainan/kosa kata untuk saya?To continue conversations with your partnerEnglish IndonesianReally?/Thats interesting. Tell memore.Benarkah?/itu sangat menarik. Beritahukan saya lebih banyak.Why do you think so? Mengapa kamu berpikir seperti itu?Do you want to ask me a question? Maukah kamu menanyakan beberapapertanyaan?Ask me about my weekend/aboutmy family/ about my hobbies!Silakan bertanya kepada saya menge-naiakhir pekan saya/mengenai kelu-argasaya/mengenai hobi saya.Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell 205 211. GlosariumActivity, Activities/Aktivitas (Noun)(1) The condition in which things are happening or being done.(2) Busy or vigorous action or movement.Attention/Perhatian (Noun)(1) Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of some-oneor something as interesting or important.(2) The mental faculty of considering or taking notice of someone orsomething: he turned his attention to the educational system.Classmates/Teman Sekelas (Noun)A fellow member of a class at school or college.Collect/Mengumpulkan (Verb)Bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or wide-spread)Describing/Menggambarkan (Verb)(1) Give an account in words of (someone or something), including allthe relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.(2) Indicate; denote.Event/Peritiwa, Pertandingan (Noun)(1) A thing that happens, esp. one of importance.(2) A planned public or social occasion.Exhibition/Pameran (Noun)(1) A public display of works of art or other items of interest,held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.(2) A display or demonstration of a particular skill.Identity/Identitas (Noun)(1) The fact of being who or what a person or thing is: heknows the identity of the bombers.(2) The characteristics determining this: a Canadian identity.Idol/Idola (Noun)(1) An image or representation of a god used as an object ofworship.(2) A person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered:movie idol Robert Redford.206 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi Revisi 212. Introducing/Memperkenalkan (Verb)(3) Bring (something, esp. a product, measure, or concept) into use oroperation for the fi rst time.(4) Bring a subject to the attention of (someone) for the fi rst time.Important/Penting (Adjective)(5) Of great signifi cance or value; likely to have a profound eff ect onsuccess, survival, or well-being: important habitats for wildlife.(6) (of a person) Having high rank or status.Leave taking/Berpisah (Web defi nitions)(7) farewell: the act of departing politely; he disliked long farewells;he took his leave; parting is such...Observe/Mengamati (Verb)(8) Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being signifi cant.(9) Watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively.Present/Hadiah, sekarang ini (Verb)A substance produced during a natural, chemical, or manufactur-ingwing process: waste products.(11) An article or substance that is manufactured or refi ned for sale.A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving listsof intended events and times: we have drawn up anengineering schedule.Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell 207Product/Hasil (Noun)(10)Recycle/Mengembalikan, untuk dipakai lagi (Verb)(11) Convert (waste) into reusable material.(12) Return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.Schedule/Jadwal (Noun)Schedule/Menjadwalkan (Verb)(14)Give something to (someone) formally or ceremonially.Arrange or plan (an event) to take place at a particular time.(13) 213. 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Catatan :.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................210 Kelas VII SMP/MTs Edisi RevisiDiunduh dari BSE.Mahoni.com