Red Gate Sql Compare

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Red gate sql data compare
  1. Hello, Does SQL Compare by Red-Gate can show me if the syntax of Stored Procedure at one instance is different from same Stored Procedure on different instance? Or it just compare if it exist on.
  2. Red Gate's SQL Compare is a product I have used for years and I love the latest version. Data and Schema Compare tools are very expensive!There are much cheaper alternative, But I am thinking in the short term the purchase would hurt but in the long term it would more than pay for itself in lots of ways.

I am looking for suggestions on an alternative product for comparing SQL schema and data with Microsoft SQL server (2012). Up to this point in time our company has used Red Gate SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare with an older SQL version, and it has worked well. The problem is that we need to purchase a new version (no upgrade path) and the product is far more expensive that what we had paid many years back. In looking at some alternatives, I see there are other products out there which are far cheaper. Thankfully, they appear to have trials, so I'll probably nab one or two and let our developers give it a go to see if they live up to expectations.
Does anyone have some personal recommendations of what they've used that would be a good alternative for SQL schema and data compare to Red Gate's product? Right now I'm looking at these:
(last two as a bundle)
They are far cheaper than Red Gate's stuff--just not sure if capable enough.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Red Gate Sql Compare

Red Gate Software, a leader in SQL Server tools for.NET professionals recently released SQL Compare 6.10. Autodesk universal keygen xforce 2014. In short, the tool allows you to compare and synchronize all database objects, including tables, stored procedures, views, user-defined functions, XML schema collections, and CLR assemblies.

For all my deployments to SQL Server, I am using Redgate's SQL Compare. Is there a similar tool for deployments to PostgreSql?

Edit: I am not looking for tools to compare data. I need to compare DDL: tables, functions, indexes etc, and generate deployment scripts. As such, this is not a duplicate of the question mentioned as possible duplicate.


2 Answers

There are a few little details missing relevant here for this answer that are probably not relevant for the other answer so I am going to answer here.

What I would do, to be honest, is just to use pg_dump -s and then diff the results. This gives you a textual dump of the database, and for identical databases, it should work, provided the same version of pg_dump is used. You may have to grep out the comments depending on the version of pg_dump used.

Download Redgate Sql Compare

The one huge caveat here is that this dumps columns in their physical order, so you would have to make sure that all DDL scripts are run in the same order on both.

Otherwise the tools in the other question are probably where to start.

Red Gate Sql Compare Tool

Chris TraversChris Travers

There is not an equivalent. The closest you will probably get is me :) I used to work for Redgate on several of the comparison and source control tools.

Now I'm working on a comprehensive comparison tool for Postgres. It will be free while in beta.

Initially this is just schema (DDL) comparison but we will probably expand to data also. I believe this is a tool that a lot of shops require in order to move from their current RDBMS without having to also change how their development environments, operations etc work too.

Neil AndersonNeil Anderson

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